Tales of a love-struck mother

I was talking to a friend of mine who has a preschooler, and he was remarking how excited his little one is to ride the bus and be a “big girl”, and he’s looking forward to the whole beginning of school thing – more time to get things done, etc.   I said, “Oh trust me, don’t rush school!  With it comes all the angst of separation, sitting at the lunch table alone and unexpected inexplicable tears in the middle of the day.  And then of course, there’s the stuff your kid goes through!”  🙂

My girls have just completed their first full week of second grade, and I’m just getting over the daily worries of are they happy today, did they eat all their lunch… Yes, I have first-time Mommy issues.  I understand by the third child, some parents don’t even wait to wave at the bus as it comes back around the cul de sac.  What? You other first-timers don’t do that either?!

First day of 2nd grade

First day of 2nd grade

I mean, how can I not be love-struck by these two munchkins.  We just spent the most glorious summer together – only two one-week camp sessions all summer surrounded by care-free days by the pool, play dates, sleepovers and day trips.  It all culminated with an amazing week in Canada hiking, biking, hitting the zip lines, kayaking, horseback riding, rock climbing and exploring the wilderness of western Canada.

First big hike - 2 1/2 hrs around this beautiful lake

First big hike – 2 1/2 hrs around this beautiful lake

Clayoquot Wilderness Resort

Heli hiking the glacial mountains near Clayoquot


Now we’re back to the daily school routine, and alas I’m back to eating lunch alone and only occasionally shedding a tear when I stumble upon baby pictures 🙂

Girls, I love you to the moon and back!

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